Santa Rosa police Thursday will hold a DUI/license checkpoint as part of a two-week crackdown by Sonoma County’s Avoid the 13 anti-DUI task force.

The checkpoint will be 7 p.m. Thursday to 1 a.m. Friday at a location that police aren’t revealing.

The Avoid the 13 task force has held two checkpoints during its current campaign, both in Petaluma, with three drivers arrested on suspicion of DUI on Aug. 19 and four arrested on Aug. 20. The task force plans one more checkpoint by Labor Day on Monday but it’s not saying where or when.

The checkpoints serve more as a tactic to make drivers think twice about driving drunk than actually rounding up DUI suspects. The checkpoints typically screen more than 1,000 drivers each and arrest a handful for DUI. Most arrests at the checkpoints are unlicensed drivers.

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