The results are in from Friday’s speed enforcement campaign by Petaluma police.

Seven officers made a total of 171 traffic stops and issued a total of 140 tickets from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. A similar crackdown last month yielded 45 citations.

“It was a very busy day for all of us,” said Sgt. Ken Savano, who heads the Police Department’s traffic unit. “Lots of violations were right in front of us.”

Here’s the breakdown of tickets:

–77 for unsafe speed

–26, cellphone

–6, violation of right-of-way

–4, stop sign

–4, seat belt

–4, red light

–4, failure to obey traffic control sign

–2, driving left of double yellow line

–2, crossing divided highway

–2, unsafe turning movement

–1, child safety seat

–1, following too close

–1, failure to stop for pedestrian

–1, bicycle riding on wrong side of road

–1, impeding traffic

–1, failing to stop for school bus

–1, unsafe lane change

–1, window tint

–1, expired registration

In addition, officers cited three drivers for driving without a license and two for driving on a suspended license. Those two also had their vehicles impounded for 30 days.

Friday’s operation was funded by a grant from the state Office of Traffic Safety.


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