One of the Road Warrior’s readers who lives on the East Coast has been busy keeping us up to date with traffic issues there, so we thought we’d share some of them:

— In Washington, D.C., there’s a speed camera that over 23 months issued 116,734 tickets with fines totaling $11.6 million, the Washington Post reports. That’s ONE camera. Two cameras on Interstate 295 in D.C. teamed up for 116,399 tickets with fines totaling $15.9 million.

And readers here gripe that local police crackdowns on speeders are just ways to try to generate revenue!

To read the full story in the Post, CLICK HERE.

—In Baltimore, speed cameras set up near schools to catch dangerous drivers have snared hundreds of speeding school buses, often with children aboard, the Baltimore Sun reports. One bus was clocked doing 74 mph. The city school district and bus company say drivers, not taxpayers, must pay the fines.

To read the full story in the Sun, CLICK HERE.

—In New York City, crews are painting “LOOK!” on crosswalks at some of the city’s most dangerous intersections, WNYW-TV reports.

Pedestrians walks by a "LOOK!" warning sign at 42nd Avenue and Second Avenue in New York City. Associated Press photo

City officials say that with so many pedestrians looking down at their smartphones, they’re not paying attention to traffic and are getting hurt. So, perhaps, they’ll see the “LOOK!” warnngs. In 2010, the latest year stats are available for, more than 9,000 pedestrians were injured in New York City and 41 killed.

Having visited New York recently, it’s no wonder that more pedestrians aren’t hit by cars. Even on red lights, many pedestrians stop for cars only if the cars actually are in the crosswalk. I saw lots of close calls.

To read the full story, CLICK HERE.


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