Construction crews working on the SMART rail will be constructing center medians at the crossings on Fulton Road and River Road this week. Traffic controls and delays can be expected during construction at both locations.

The county bridge crew will continue work this week removing and replacing a bridge viaduct on Starrett Hill Road in Monte Rio. Starrett Hill Road will remain closed during the construction that is scheduled through April 20. Local residential traffic has access off Moscow Road and Main Street.

Maintenance work this week includes culvert cleaning along Pine Mountain Road, Sweetwater Springs Road and Green Valley Road. The Cotati road crew will be cutting brush along Hutchinson Road off Hessel. Healdsburg crews will be cutting brush Monday and Thursday on Chalk Hill Road and assisting Cal Fire with roadside brushing on Chalk Hill Road Tuesday and Wednesday.

Roadside mowing is scheduled for Gericke Road and Bloomfield Road in West County, and in the Glen Ellen and Kenwood areas in the south county area.

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