Police agencies throughout Sonoma County are stepping up their patrols this weekend, targeting DUI drivers as part of their Avoid the 13 campaign.

In additional to the extra patrols, a DUI/driver’s license checkpoint will be set up from 4 p.m. Friday to midnight or so in Cotati. Police aren’t saying where.

The police agencies participating in the crackdown are Cloverdale, Cotati, Healdsburg, Petaluma, Rohnert Park, Santa Rosa, Sebastopol, Sonoma, Windsor, the Sheriff’s Office, SRJC Police Department, SSU Police Department and the CHP — in addition to the county Probation Department and state Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control.

Petaluma Police Sgt. Ken Savano, who coordinates the campaign, said officers from the agencies will be staffing the DUI checkpoint as part of a grant from the state Office of Traffic Safety.

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