
Police crack down on drivers using cell phones

If you drive while using a cell phone, your day of reckoning may be Tuesday. On Tuesday and again on Wednesday, Aug. 18, the CHP and police agencies around the state, including at least several in Sonoma County, plan a crackdown on drivers who ignore the hands-free law and use [...]

By | August 9th, 2010|48 Comments

5 things you shouldn’t do while driving

Readers of Road Warrior have had plenty to say lately about what drives them crazy when they're on the road. Here are my top five: --Drivers who use cell phones instead of going hands free. Not only is it illegal, but it's just plain dangerous. There have been so many [...]

By | June 17th, 2010|0 Comments

Should bicyclists be banned from using handheld cell phones?

Our recent report about the state Senate's vote last week to bar bicyclists from using handheld cell phones while riding struck a nerve. Thousands of people have read the report, and dozens have left comments. Click here to read that story. As a result, we'd like to know what you [...]

By | June 7th, 2010|14 Comments

Bicyclists may face fines for handheld cell phones

Bicyclists: Don't pedal and talk on your cell phone. That was part of the message Thursday from the state Senate, which voted 21-16 to add for the first time a $20 initial fine for bicyclists for gripping hand-held cell phones while riding. You'll have to go hands free. Subsequent offenses [...]

By | June 4th, 2010|2 Comments

Do girls drive faster than boys?

The long-held belief that girls generally are better and safer drivers than boys may have just been wrecked. A new study by the Allstate Foundation finds nearly half (48 percent) of teenage girls surveyed said they are likely to speed more than 10 mph over the speed limit compared to [...]

By | May 6th, 2010|3 Comments