
Holiday DUI crackdown this weekend

Police agencies throughout Sonoma County are stepping up their patrols this weekend, targeting DUI drivers as part of their Avoid the 13 campaign. In additional to the extra patrols, a DUI/driver's license checkpoint will be set up from 4 p.m. Friday to midnight or so in Cotati. Police aren't saying [...]

By | May 27th, 2010|29 Comments

Update: What NOT to say when you get pulled over

A number of readers have commented about getting pulled over, saying that with cities facing budget problems, police officers are pulling people over just to generate revenue. Petaluma Police Sgt. Ken Savano, who oversees traffic enforcement in the city, has a reply: Not true. "The revenue that comes back to [...]

By | May 21st, 2010|52 Comments

DUI checkpoints in Petaluma

Petaluma police on Friday night will be conducting the latest in a series of DUI checkpoints. A team of eight to 10 officers will set up the first checkpoint at 5 p.m. somewhere in the city (they're not telling) and at some point will shut that checkpoint and move it [...]

By | April 29th, 2010|0 Comments