At last, the $120 million construction project that widened Highway 101 to six lanes from Santa Rosa to Windsor is nearly done and the speed limit will be going back up.

Caltrans spokesman Robert Haus said he expects a ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held during the first week of October to mark the highway project’s completion.

At that time, the 55-mph speed limit in the 7.6-mile construction zone will end — few drivers are obeying it now — and it’ll be 65 mph again.

Construction crews are putting some finishing touches on the highway, including installing metering lights at onramps. Haus said the plan is to utilize those metering lights at some point down the road, but he didn’t have the details immediately available. (Road Warrior will follow up on this soon.)

Next up for completion is the widening of 101 from Rohnert Park Expressway to Pepper Road in northern Petaluma, due to be finished late next year. A year after that the widening of 101 from Santa Rosa Avenue to Rohnert Park Expressway is to scheduled to be done.

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