Caltrans’ hopes of holding a ribbon-cutting ceremony officially declaring completed the Santa Rosa-to-Windsor widening of Highway 101 has slipped to early November.

Spokesman Bob Haus said trouble in scheduling subcontractors to finish their work delayed the official completion. In September, he said Caltrans was shooting for an early October ceremony.

“The bulk of the work is done,” Haus said, but striping and guardrail work remains to be finished and until that is “we can’t legally and officially say it’s done.”

In the meantime, construction crews covered up 65-mph signs that had been installed in anticipation of the project’s completion. “It’s still a construction zone” and work crews still are out there, Haus noted.

So the official speed limit is 55, although few drivers are obeying it.

CHP spokesman Jon Sloat said the CHP is not making a concerted effort to enforce the 55-mph limit, but officers on patrol will stop drivers blatantly speeding, such as those who pass officers.

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