If you think it costs quite a bit to repair your car, you’re right.

A recent study by carMD.com found that California ranks as the fourth most expensive state to get a car repaired.

The study analyzed about 80,000 repairs nationwide for vehicles with “check engine” light problems and found that the average cost in California was $394.49, including $222.19 for parts and $172.30 for labor.

The national average was $356.04, including $212.44 in parts and $143.60 in labor. California’s total cost was 11 percent higher than the national average, with parts 5 percent higher and labor 20 percent higher.

Arizona ranked the highest in average cost at $421.49, while the District of Columbia was the lowest at $265.29. New Mexico was second highest at $406.81 and Colorado third at $397.83.

Sunny Campbell, executive director of the Santa Rosa-based California Service Station and Automotive Repair Association, said several factors push up California repair costs: The cost of living is higher, repair facilities are more regulated than in other states, worker compensation rates are higher, Californians use their cars more and the condition of roads is getting worse here.

“Hit a pot hole and there goes the tires or a front-end alignment,” he said.

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