Here are a couple of questions from readers regarding Highway 101. First:

I’m concerned with the amount of debris that is building up along the 101 concrete median divider from Windsor to Rohnert Park. Is the cleanup Caltrans’ responsibility or the county or the city? It’s becoming an eyesore and an embarrassment. Steve

The answer comes from Caltrans spokesman Robert Haus:

Our maintenance folks had some problems with sweepers breaking down, which put them behind schedule. They’ve scheduled the sweeping for Marin and Sonoma for February.

From the Road Warrior: I did notice that a TV along the median in Rohnert Park was picked up after a few days. It looked like it was in one piece, and I wondered how it got there.

Here’s the second question from a reader:

I wondered if you would be able to tell me whether or not there are plans for sound barriers on both sides of 101 through Petaluma? I live on the west side just north of the E Washington exit and am curious about this. David

This answer also comes from Caltrans’ Robert Haus:

There are no sound walls planned for the East Washington project, but there are some planned for a couple of the Marin-Sonoma Narrows projects that are currently in the design phase.


If you have a question for the Road Warrior, please email it to


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