Tuesday’s Santa Rosa crackdown on motorcycle traffic violations resulted in 24  motorcyclists being stopped by officers.

Sgt. Lance Badger said 15 were ticketed for such things as helmets, mechanical and failing to yield. The remaining nine were given warnings.

The all-day enforcement, funded by a grant from the state Office of Traffic Safety, involved five officers whose main focus was motorcycle safety, although they handled other traffic enforcement issues as they came up, Badger said.

The grant is funding eight days of motorcyclist-safety crackdowns by Santa Rosa police, and Badger said five more are planned — the next one is May 22 — through September, when the one-year funding expires.

Petaluma police plan their own motorcycle crackdown on Saturday, again as part of a state Office of Traffic Safety grant. The officers will be looking not only for motorcyclists violating traffic laws but also drivers of cars and trucks who take unsafe actions near motorcyclists.


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