A reader is concerned that the light green electrical box might obscure a pedestrian at the crosswalk on North Main Street at Keating Avenue in Sebastopol, as shown in this photo from Google Street View. Click to enlarge..


Here’s a question from a Road Warrior reader. It was quite lengthy, so we’ve edited it down a bit:

I have a big concern about the Caltrans work on the crosswalks in  Sebastopol.  The flashing lights on the crosswalks are great.  However, several of the crosswalks now have a person-height electrical-type box on the sidewalk that obscures the view of a person ready to cross the street.

WHY in the world did they place these on the side of the crosswalk that causes the pedestrian to be obscured when they should have placed them on the opposite side?

One is near 305 North Main at 116 and Keating.  When heading north here, a pedestrian is completely obstructed.

Another is at 116/Healdsbug and Harrison/Pitt. WWhen heading west here, a pedestrian can be obstructed.

Another is Healdburg Ave and Murphy Ave. When heading west here, a pedestrian is obstructed and cannot be seen.

Also, why did they leave the sidewalk by Dee’s Diner without any flashing lights?

Last, another complaint is that the streetlights they installed near the crosswalks should direct their light DOWN to illuminate pedestrians at night and they do NOT.

It seems that this project needed much more thorough planning and thought if it is truly designed to save lives. W

The answer comes from Sue Kelly, engineering director for Sebastopol. (It turns the crosswalk projects were a city project, not Caltrans.) She said she “will take a look at it” and suggested that readers who have complaints/concerns/comments about Sebastopol traffic issues bring them to the city’s attention rather than The Press Democrat. The city engineering department can be reached at 823-2151.

Here’s another question:

What’s with the road surfaces on the #2 lanes between Healdsburg and Windsor?  The bad surfaces from Cloverdale south to Healdsburg have been scraped and are pretty much OK, and, of course, there’s the lovely new paving from Windsor south.  But the stretch in between (southbound is far worse than northbound) is the forgotten stepsister.  Southbound’s #2 lane is broken into pieces!

Any plans to address this? Samantha of Ukiah

The answer comes from Caltrans spokesman Adam Priest: “We have an upcoming slab replacement/repair project on Route 101 from Healdsburg to Windsor. Currently this project is under design, and we anticipate construction will be next summer.”


If you have a question, please email it to jim.fremgen@pressdemocrat.com and please include your name and town.


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