The new Plan Bay Area was adopted last week, outlining transportation and land-use projects to be funded through 2040 within Sonoma, Napa and the other seven Bay Area counties. It’s dependent on receiving an anticipated 292 billion in federal, state and local money, but includes the following road projects.

Is your pet project among them?

Metropolitan Transportation Commission spokesman John Goodwin breaks out the expenditures, saying, “Nearly 88 percent (or $253 billion) of the transportation funds will be used to maintain and operate the highways, transit systems, local streets and roads, and bridges we already have. Another way of looking at the distribution of the revenues — which include fuel taxes, transit fares, bridge tolls, property taxes and dedicated sales taxes — is by mode of transportation.

“Maintenance and operation of the Bay Area’s existing transit systems will receive about 55 percent ($159 billion) of the revenues. The remainder includes 33 percent for street, road, highway and bridge maintenance; 7 percent for transit expansion; and 5 percent for roadway and bridge expansion.”

Here’s a list of road projects that made the list. (Figures are in millions and represent cost, committed funding and discretionary funding.)


Realign Route 116 (Stage Gulch Road) along Champlin Creek to improve safety, adding shoulders to accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists $ 12 $ 12 $ –

Widen U.S. 101 for HOV lanes from Pepper Road to Rohnert Park Expressway (Central Phase A) $ 109 $ 109 $ –

Improve channelization and traffic signalization at Route 116/Route 121 intersection (includes Arnold Drive improvements) $ 15 $ 5 $ 10

US 101 North Project – Phase B- Airport Boulevard interchange improvements and Airport Boulevard $ 43 $ 43 $ –

Improve U.S. 101/Old Redwood Highway interchange (includes modifying/replacing existing 2-lane interchange to at least a 5-lane interchange and improving ramps) $ 43 $ 43 $ –

Improve local circulation at various locations in Town of Penngrove (includes improvements to Main Street, Petaluma Hill Road, Adobe Road, Old Redwood Highway and U.S. 101/Railroad Avenue) $ 40 $ 20 $ 20

Widen Fulton Road from 2-lanes to 4-lanes from Guerneville Road and Piner Road $ 4 $ 1 $ 3

Extend Farmers Lane from Bellevue Avenue to Bennett Valley Road as a 3-lane or 4-lane arterial (includes a bicycle lane and sidewalk) $ 58 $ 29 $ 29

Improve Bodega Highway west of Sebastopol (includes straightening curves near Occidental and adding turn pockets) $ 2 $ 1 $ 1

Convert bridges in Sonoma County from 1-lane to 2-lane $ 19 $ 1 $ 18

Widen U.S. 101 for HOV lanes (one in each direction) from Rohnert Park Expressway to Santa Rosa Avenue (includes interchange improvements and ramp metering) $ 69 $ 69 $ –

Improve U.S. 101/East Washington Street interchange (includes new northbound on-ramp and improvements to southbound on-ramp) $ 22 $ 22 $ –

Install traffic signal system on Route 121 and improve channelization at 8th Street $ 3 $ 0 $ 3

Implement Marin Sonoma Narrows Phase 2 (Sonoma County) $ 220 $ 14 $ 206

Implement landscaping along the HOV lanes on U.S. 101 between Steele Lane and Windsor River Road $ 2 $ 2 $ –

Improve channelization and traffic signalization on Mirabel Road and Route 116 $ 5 $ 5 $ –

Construct Suburban Center intersection improvements at Route 12 (Farmers Lane) and 4th Street $ 7 $ – $ 7

Local streets and roads operations and maintenance $ 2,303 $ 2,199 $ 104

Widen Rohnert Park Expressway from 2-lanes to 4-lanes between Snyder Lane and Petaluma Hill Road (includes new bike lanes in both directions, curb and gutter, sidewalk, landscaped median, and traffic signal devices/improvements at Petaluma Hill Road) $ 9 $ 9 $ –

Widen Snyder Lane from 2-lanes to 4-lanes between southside of “G” section and Southwest Boulevard $ 5 $ 4 $ 1

Widen of Golf Course Drive West (formerly Wilfred Avenue) from 2-lanes to 4-lanes between the 1999 City Limits west of Redwood Drive to the Urban Growth Boundary (includes four travel lanes, a bike lane on both sides, sidewalks, landscaping, and traffic signals at Redwood Drive, Labath Avenue, and Dowdell Avenue) $ 5 $ 5 $ –

Construct an interchange with bicycle and pedestrian enhancements at Route 12/Fulton Road $ 70 $ 27 $ 43

Improve interchange at Hearn Avenue/U.S. 101 $ 46 $ 5 $ 42

Construct bicycle and pedestrian crossing at U.S. 101 and Copeland Creek $ 6 $ – $ 6

Implement Sonoma County’s Safe Routes to School program $ 20 $ – $ 20

Enhance bus service frequencies in Sonoma County $ 104 $ – $ 104

Implement bicycle and pedestrian improvements countywide $ 118 $ 14 $ 104

Implement Windsor River Road/Windsor Road/NWPRR Intersection improvements. Re-configure intersection and improve railroad, vehicle, pedestrian interface. $ 9 $ 9

Widen Airport Boulevard from 2-lanes to 5-lanes between Ordiance Road and Aviation Boulevard $ 36 $ 13 $ 23

Implement Marin Sonoma Narrows Phase 1 (Sonoma County) $ 123 $ 123 $ –

Implement Sonoma County’s Climate Initiatives program $ 21 $ – $ 21

Conduct environmental studies and preliminary design for the proposed SMART commuter rail extension from Windsor to Cloverdale (Phase III) $ 15 $ – $ 15


Implement Napa County’s Safe Routes to School program $ 6 $ – $ 6

Improve traffic signalization countywide $ 3 $ – $ 3

Construct round-abouts between California Blvd and Freeway Drive on First Street $ 15 $ – $ 15

Construct new southbound Route 221 to southbound Route 29 flyover, including auxiliary lane to Route 12/Route 29 $ 5 $ – $ 5

Construct interchange at intersection of Route 12/Route 29/Airport Road $ 6 $ 2 $ 4

Construct curb cuts and accessiblity improvements in St. Helena $ 2 $ – $ 2

Improve signalization along Main Street from Sulpher Springs to Mills Lane in St. Helena $ 1 $ – $ 1

Extend Devlin Road from Airport Boulevard to Green Island Road $ 12 $ – $ 12

Construct corridor improvements in Yountville $ 1 $ – $ 1

Construct Madison Ave. bypass to Route 29 in Yountville $ 1 $ – $ 1

Improve intersection at Petrified Forest Road/Route 128 $ 3 $ – $ 3

Local streets and roads operations and maintenance $ 1,252 $ 1,142 $ 110

Construct corridor improvements along Route 29 $ 26 $ – $ 26

Reconfigure northbound Route 29 off-ramp at Lincoln Avenue $ 3 $ – $ 3

Construct a bicycle and pedestrian undercrossing along Napa Creek $ 1 $ – $ 1

Construct intersection improvements at Silverado Trail/Third Street/Coombsville Road/East Avenue $ 5 $ – $ 5

Rehabilitate Green Island Road $ 5 $ – $ 5

Widen intersection at Napa Junction Road/Route 29 $ 4 $ – $ 4

Implement lighted crosswalks at five intersections in St. Helena $ 0 $ – $ 0

Build out countywide primary bicycle network $ 20 $ – $ 20

Create new road and transit configuration on Route 29 through American Canyon with connectivity to the Vallejo Ferry, including BRT, potential HOV, and other roadway innovations $ 12 $ – $ 12

Widen Route 12 (Jameson Canyon) from 2 lanes to 4 lanes from I-80 in Solano County to Route 29 in Napa County (Phase 1) $ 140, $ 140, $ –

Read more about the plan at or see the entire list of funded projects HERE.


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