
Meet county’s anti-DUI boss

Ken Savano doesn’t mind if you’re out on the town and have a drink or so. But just be sure you’re not driving afterward when you shouldn’t be because if you are, Savano is hoping you’ll wind up arrested and in jail. “Many people say, ‘I’m fine. I’m OK,’ but [...]

By | August 16th, 2011|12 Comments

DUI checkpoint Friday night

Santa Rosa police will be conducting a DUI/license checkpoint on Friday night. As is typical, police declined to say where the checkpoint will be, but it will go from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. "It is the Santa Rosa Police Department’s goal to continue providing public awareness on the dangers [...]

By | July 28th, 2011|3 Comments

2 DUI checkpoints tonight

The CHP plans two DUI/license checkpoints tonight -- one in the Sonoma Valley and the other in unincorporated Santa Rosa. A third checkpoint will be held Saturday night. That checkpoint and the CHP one near Santa Rosa are part of the Sonoma County Avoid the 13 DUI Task Force's extra [...]

By | July 1st, 2011|12 Comments

DUI checkpoint tonight in Santa Rosa

Santa Rosa police tonight will be conducting a DUI/license checkpoint. The location wasn't revealed, but the checkpoint will go from 7 tonight until 1 a.m. Saturday. The checkpoint is funded through a grant from the state Office of Traffic Safety via the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration.

By | June 24th, 2011|4 Comments

What to do if you see a DUI

Here's a question from a reader: I don't have a hands free system for my phone because I don't believe in using the phone while I drive. However, I occasionally see seriously erratic drivers who I strongly suspect are drunk or impaired. Before the cellphone law, I would call the [...]

By | June 18th, 2011|6 Comments

CHP officer No. 1 in DUI arrests

CHP Officer Michael Ball is a DUI magnet. Last year, he arrested 69 DUI suspects -- the most of any police officer in Sonoma County. Santa Rosa Police Officer Hiroshi Yaguchi was No. 2 with 68. Ball, Yaguchi and 34 other Sonoma County police officers were honored last [...]

By | June 6th, 2011|15 Comments

DUI checkpoints, crackdown this weekend

Police across Sonoma County are stepping up their enforcement on drunken drivers this Memorial Day weekend. Tonight, the CHP will hold a DUI checkpoint, but the time and location of it hasn't been disclosed. Another DUI checkpoint will be held Saturday night by the Avoid the 13 Sonoma County DUI [...]

By | May 27th, 2011|6 Comments

Effort to regulate DUI checkpoints

A Santa Rosa assemblyman is pushing a bill that would set rules for how police run DUI/license checkpoints, particularly targeting the impoundment of vehicles and being more specific about where the checkpoints will be. But the bill is generating some waves in the state’s law enforcement community. Assemblyman Michael Allen, [...]

By | May 23rd, 2011|52 Comments

Santa Rosa DUI checkpoint tonight

Santa Rosa police tonight will set up a DUI/license checkpoint. The checkpoint will be from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. at a spot that police aren't disclosing. "Our message is simple: If we catch you drunk, you will be arrested," Police Sgt. Rich Celli said in a statement. The officers' [...]

By | May 13th, 2011|4 Comments

Petaluma DUI checkpoints tonight

Petaluma police tonight plan two DUI/license checkpoints. As usual, police declined to say where the checkpoints will be. Sgt. Ken Savano said the first checkpoint will start at 6 p.m. and at some point in the evening it will be moved to the second location, ending at about 2 a.m. [...]

By | April 30th, 2011|0 Comments